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Green jobs, also called a green-collared jobs are, according to the United Nations Environment Program, "work in agricultural, manufacturing, research and development(R&D), administrative, and service activities that contribute(s) substantially to preserving or restoring environmental quality. Specifically, but not exclusively, this includes jobs that help to protect ecosystems and biodiversity; reduce energy, materials, and water consumption through high efficiency strategies; de-carbonize the economy; and minimize or altogether avoid generation of all forms of waste and pollution". The environmental sector has the dual benefit of mitigating environmental challanges as well as helping economic growth.
A green-collar worker is a worker who is employed in the environmental sectors of the economy.Environmental green-collar workers (or green jobs) satisfy the demand for green development. Generally, they implement environmentally conscious design, policy, and technology to improve conservation and sustainability. Formal environmental regulations as well as informal social expectations are pushing many firms to seek professionals with expertise with environmental, energy efficiency, and clean renewable energy issues. They often seek to make their output more sustainable, and thus more favorable to public opinion, governmental regulation, and the Earth's ecology.
Green collar workers include professionals such as:
- Conservation movement workers
- Environmental consultants
- Council environmental services/waste management/recycling managers/officers
- Environmental or biological systems engineers
- Green building architects
- Landscape architects
- Holistic passive solar building designers
- Solar energy and wind energy engineers and installers
- Nuclear engineers
- Green vehicle engineers
- "Green business" owners
- Green vehicle
- Organic farmers
- Environmental lawyers
- Ecology educators and
- Ecotechnology workers and
- Sales staff working with these services or products
Green collar workers also include vocational or trade-level workers: electricians who install solar panels, plumbers who install solar water heaters, recycling centre/MRF attendants, process managers and collectors, construction workers who build energy-efficient green buildings and wind power farms, construction workers who weatherize buildings to make them more energy efficient, or other workers involved in clean, renewable, sustainable future energy development.
There is a growing movement to incorporate social responsibility within the green industries. A sustainable green economy simultaneously values the importance of natural resourcesand inclusive, equitable, and healthy opportunities for all communities.
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